10 Months Old

This picture is for Aunt Ivy - she bought Mady this cute shirt!!
Jeremy gives me this same look when I ask him to do something :)

Miss Mady on St. Patrick's Day. She was more excited to check
the mail at her play house than to have her picture taken.

"What the heck mom - can't you see I'm playing?"

St. Patty's Day at the park - the weather was gorgeous!!
Mady was way more interested in looking at the other kids.

Ater a long day of playing - our little girl crashes hard.

Ater a long day of playing - our little girl crashes hard.
I love this picture because her little behind is sticking up in the air like a bunny.
Mady is learning to do a lot of new things - some of her favorites:
- Pulling up and cruising on everything
- Crawling on all fours (she hasn't quite got the hang of this, but it won't be long before we are chasing after her!)
- Pointing at items or people
- Giving big wet kisses
- Listening to herself "talk"
Jeremy and I are both in awe of our little girl and can hardly believe that she'll be a year old in just under two months. It really does seem like yesterday that we brought her into this world!!